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Zapier Inbound

Zapier gives you a good way of connecting other systems to Mythradon without needing to know any programming. It also gives you the ability to connect systems that you may not be able to connect directly due to limits on their API capabilities.

Create a New Zap

Setup the Trigger

This is your other system you want to integrate to Mythradon

Setup Actions

For each field you wish to pass in to Mythradon you need to ensure it does not have double quotes, backslashes or new lines. To do this we will setup actions to escape them.

Create a New Action - Escape Backslash

Type: Fromatter by Zapier

Action Event: Text

Fromatter by Zapier

Choose Your App and Event

Transform: Replace

Find: \

Replace: \\

Fromatter by Zapier

Create a New Action - Escape Double Quotes

Type: Fromatter by Zapier

Action Event: Text

Fromatter by Zapier

Choose Your App and Event

Transform: Replace

Find: "

Replace: \"

Fromatter by Zapier

Create a New Action - Escape New Lines

Type: Fromatter by Zapier

Action Event: Text

Fromatter by Zapier

Choose Your App and Event

Transform: Replace

Find: [:return:][:newline:]

Replace: \n

Fromatter by Zapier

Send Data to Mythradon

For this example we will use a lead capture API endpoint

Create a New Action

Type: Webhooks by Zapier

Action Event: Custom Request

Fromatter by Zapier

Choose Your App and Event

Method: POST

URL: The URL provided on the lead capture record in Mythradon

Data Pass-Through: False

Data: This is flexible based on your lead capture field list here is a sample. Ensure you pick the updated version of the fields from earlier steps and not the orginal unmodified fields. You can tell if the field is an updated value based on the icon next to it. If it is updated the icon will match the icon on the Action step that updated it.

Unflatten: Yes

Basic Auth: Leave this blank

Headers: Content-Type, application/json

Fromatter by Zapier

Test Your Zap

Now you need to test your Zap!


See also
